
Heartlands DEMO 2.1 is Here!

As of 10/28/2022 We have launched our 2.1 version of Heartlands DEMO.

In this update we’ve added 3 new stages.

  • Meet a Friendly local who had offered you a ride to Rustfall

  • Tutorial to help players learn our controls to streamline their gameplay

  • Step out of the Dungeon to get a breath of fresh air, and a taste of what awaits you in your adventures.

New Features:

  • You can now equip weapons much easier with the sheathes we’ve added at waist level

  • Adding things to your inventory is easier as well, as we’ve given players two saddle-bags at your side that you just have to grab to access your items.

  • You now have the option to toggle between Snap Turning and Smooth Turning to best suit your gameplay style.


  • Install Size has been reduced from 5 gb to just roughly 1.4 gb!

  • Dynamic Shadows working throughout the city.